Season 1: Finding and keeping great people
How to create a more human company
23 minutes 32 seconds
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How to create a more human company
Season 1: Finding and keeping great people
Building a business with soul
The life-changing magic of emotional intelligence at work
How to create a deeper connection with your people
How trust and empowerment can build a dream team
Discover the power of gentle leadership
Why successful recruitment doesn’t end with onboarding
How to make your people thrive and come alive
How to spark inspiration and create a positive culture
How to create a more human company
Hire the spark: How to find and recruit the best people
How to get the best from everyone
The small but mighty act of listening
Season 1: Finding and keeping great people
I love these videos, very informative. it was a nice way to take a mental break while sitting on the PC. It was a reflection of the environment i work in, and it highlighted the expected challenges but what I love most is the fact that there were solutions to it. It gave me an understanding of who and how my employers think and it made me understand the intentions behind the culture in my work place.
#People first
Thank you for this incredible experience
I liked the Building a happy, healthy workplace video. We all need that! Like the last part of advice, to take a mental health day to step back from Electronics and enjoy the break.
This was a great video and it kept my interest. I’m pleased to see companies concerned about the well-being of their employees. Not just at work, but in their overall lives. This video had some great tips that I will be implementing going forward.
Thank you!
Thank you for this! I use Calm every day. How wonderful to get a little more back story and see just how deeply the founders care about the users.