Sage Construction Industry Software

The new CIS module only works with the latest versions of Sage 50c and Sage 50 Accounts. To upgrade both please contact 0800 33 66 33.


£11 per month

(£13.20 inc VAT)

Quick Specification

  • Complies with new & future CIS legislation
  • Produce CIS returns & submit to HMRC online
  • Easy to correct errors & resubmit returns
  • Handle subcontractor invoices & payments

Simple CIS

If you're a contractor or subcontractor in the CIS scheme, you need to make sure you're compliant with the recent legislation changes introduced in April 2016.

At Sage, we've got you covered with the new Sage 50c CIS module.

It's fully compliant with CIS legislation, both now and in the future.

If you're currently processing your CIS returns manually you could save up to 25 hours* a month.

What's changed

In April 2016, HMRC introduced some of the most significant changes to CIS legislation in years. You now have to submit CIS returns online.

For more information about the changes, click here to view an announcement direct from HMRC (page 12).

Introduction to Sage 50c CIS

See how Sage 50c CIS can help you submit CIS returns and comply with legislation, letting you get on with the job.

Download Now >

Let us take care of CIS legislation

Sage 50 CIS ensures that you

  • Comply with the latest regulations and for upcoming legislation changes in 2017.
  • Seamlessly process and submit CIS returns direct to HMRC.
  • Canamend and resubmit at the touch of a button.
  • Caneasily enter batch supplier transactions.
  • Quickly and easily processsubcontractors invoices and payments - increase your CIS submission speed by upto 25 hours* per month!
  • Safelystore and record CIS transactions in one place
  • Record the right information andensure you deduct the correct tax rates.
  • Automatically produce yourmonthly sub-contractor payment statements.

And that's not all, we've got updates coming soon to simplify how you record Part Payments and we'll make sure new legislation is covered. Get on with the job, and leave the accounting to us.

Sage 50c CIS works seamlessly with the latest version of Sage 50 Accounts, so you can also benefit from many accounting features, including mobile access with Sage Drive**, bank feed automation, faster working and payments in just a few clicks**.

We've got great deals if you're looking to upgrade both Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 50 CIS at the same time.


*Average time calculated based on a business processing 10 subcontractors transactionsover the course of a month with monthly return calculation and submittingonline.

**Only available to customers on Sage Cover Extra and Subscription contracts. Termsand conditions apply.